Blog Support Group

Blog Support Group

Hello everyone, I am back with a new blog and I want to take this as an opportunity to thank you guys so much for checking out my content and continually supporting me throughout my blogging journey. I will be discussing how I feel about my blog currently and offering you guys a chance to share your links for each other to check out in the comments. Let’s get straight into the blog post here.

My blog feelings

I have very mixed feelings when it comes to my blog in terms of a lot of things. The problem I have is that when I posted every 2 days so many posts got lost in the shuffle even with constant promotion due to there being another one out by the time people had time to read my content. I have cut down to every 3/4 days but the problem with that is that growth is now down a great deal and it’s not ideal when I’m trying to build my viewership and engagement up not to mention I’m also only 6 followers away from 100 on my blog.

On the other hand, there’s plenty I enjoy about my blog. I love how confident I am in my writing style and post structure and I feel like not holding back when I’m creating content and that’s helping my personality come across. I have always joked that I am very robotic with no personality but that’s more down to the fact that sarcasm is a big part of who I am along with comedy. I am very serious when I need to be but that’s not all the time and getting a laugh in life always helps so much.

I also love the unpredictability of blogging. I didn’t think I would still be doing it 2 years and 3 months after I started. I’ve had some major ups and downs throughout my time but I’m still here and that makes me proud of my ability to keep motivated when it comes to producing content.

Share your stuff

I told you at the beginning that I wanted to thank you guys so much for showing your incredible support and I also want you guys to share your links in the comments for everyone else to check out. Any link you want to share just go for it and I’d also love for you guys to share this post in order to get more people involved with our little community. I know how hard blogging can be and I always want you guys to feel comfortable discussing anything with me about my blog and in general life too.

I want to build an amazing community and you are all part of that. Have a great day guys and I hope you enjoy my content. I would also like to know what you think of that too.

2 thoughts on “Blog Support Group

  1. Hey Paul,
    I just found your blog through twitter and I had a really hard time getting to actual posts and away from your ‘About Me’ page. You’ve got a lot of great content here but it’s really hard to find! I think you should possibly add a spot for ‘Blog Posts’ into your top menu to make it easier for users to find. Only if you want to.

    Keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback 😊 I had tried to reposition the blog posts section with the categories and for some odd reason it doesn’t actually appear up there but where it is it shows up fine. Don’t know if it’s a WordPress glitch or anything


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